SimpliCity is a communications campaign created by the Iowa League of Cities to help you empower residents to find the information they’re looking for, engage with their community, and rekindle their love for your city.
How do city budgets work? Who can attend a city council meeting? How can I be more involved in my community?
Your residents have questions. And you have the answers! But communicating what’s important in a way that’s exciting and easy to understand is a challenge every city faces. Enter “SimpliCity: Your City, Simplified” communication campaign. Member cities can use SimpliCity materials across a variety of platforms to reach residents directly and may customize materials with their logo and branding.
How to Use & Promote SimpliCity Materials
The following materials can be used across various digital communications platforms. They can be added to your website, posted to social media pages, or used in newsletters. Video is the most effective medium for engaging with your audience online across (almost) every platform.
Videos: Where can I share these?
Video is a versatile medium that works great shared across any number of online platforms. If you have a YouTube account, this is a great place to start. But don’t stop there! Add videos to your website’s home page or blogs. They can be shared as organic (unpaid) or paid posts on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. And they’re great content to add to your email newsletters.
To reach as many people as possible, don’t limit using the materials to a single platform—share them wherever your residents go to find information about your city. And don’t assume your audience will see every post you make. Share the materials multiple times using different messages to help you promote them.
Static Images & GIFs
The available images are static (unmoving) photos and GIFs (short, looping videos), overlaid with text and/or other graphic elements to help catch your audience’s attention. Each image touches on a topic specific to the SimpliCity campaign.
Where can I share these?
Static images make great additions to e-newsletters and posts made on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. But, they can also act as the “featured image” for blog posts and articles, providing a visual reference for readers.
GIFs—short, infinitely looping videos—can be used in place of static images wherever the format is supported. These help to add movement and energy to e-newsletters and social media posts. Images and GIFS can be used in both organic (unpaid) posts and paid ads alike.
Remember: SimpliCity is the start of a dialogue between cities and residents. It’s your job to keep the conversation going.
Respond to follow-up questions in a timely manner and thank residents who leave positive comments or share your posts on social. You don’t have to respond to every comment—there will always be people looking to stir the pot—but do your best to follow up with legitimate criticism and comments made in good faith.