IMAA Members

An Iowa Municipal Attorney Association membership runs January to December. IMAA’s annual membership drive is held in conjunction with their Annual Conference, typcially in November.

Displaying 1 - 50 of 131

 First Last Title Firm Name/Organization
NathanOverbergShareholderAhlers & Cooney, P.C.
BarryLindahlSenior CounselDubuque
NicoleCoxPartnerCox Law Firm, LLP
BrentRutherMemberAspelmeier, Fisch, Power, Engberg & Helling PLC
MeganJonesIA House RepresentativeIowa House
TimWhippleGeneral CounselAhlers & Cooney, P.C.
TroyDeJoodeExecutive DirectorIowa Association of Municipal Utilities
CarolMoserDeputy City AttorneyDes Moines
KathleenVanderpoolDeputy City AttorneyDes Moines
ThomasFisherDeputy City AttorneyDes Moines
JennyWeissCity AttorneyFuerste, Carew, Juergens & Sudmeier, P.C.
GrantLientzCity AttorneyCity of North Liberty
JohnMorrisseyCity AttorneyMorrissey Law Offices
AmyBeattieCity AttorneyBrick Gentry Law
AshleyDeBoerCity AttorneySibley Law
BenjaminRouseCity AttorneyGranger
WilliamSueppelCity AttorneyMeardon, Sueppel and Downer
BradDeJongCity AttorneyKlay, Veldhuizen, Binder, DeJong & Halverson, PLC
BrandonKrikkeCity AttorneyDeKoter, Thole, Dawson & Rockman, P.C.
BradSloterCity AttorneyCharles City
BrettLegvoldCity AttorneyArends Lee & Emick
BrianBappeCity AttorneyColo
BruceToenjesCity AttorneyShell Rock
CrennaBrumwellCity AttorneyDubuque
DanielDeKoterCity AttorneySanborn
DavidBrunerCity AttorneyBruner & Bruner
DuWayneDalenCity AttorneyFinneseth Dalen & Powell PLC
DavidJennettCity AttorneyDave Jennett, P.C.
DavidSkiltonCity AttorneyNashua
EricGoersCity AttorneyIowa City
JohnFatinoCity AttorneyWhitfield & Eddy PLC
FredLarsonCity AttorneyLarson Law Office
PhilipGarlandCity AttorneyGarland and Rodriguez
GaryJonesCity AttorneyDike
GaryBerklandCity AttorneyBelmond
HollyCorkeryCity AttorneyLynch Dallas, P.C.
HeatherPrendergastCity AttorneyElk Run Heights
JeffreyMcDanielCity AttorneyLe Claire
JeffreyLesterCity AttorneyDes Moines
JamesDoughertyCity AttorneyNorwalk
JasonHylandCity AttorneyBrekken, Wynia & Hyland, P.C.
JimRobbinsCity AttorneyBoone
JamesVarleyCity AttorneyJames L Varley, Attorney at Law
JohnAndersonCity AttorneySt Lucas
JonathanLawCity AttorneyMumma & Pedersen
JaneRosienCity AttorneyFlander, Casper & Rosien PC
KaliAdamsCity AttorneyIowa Falls
KaraBullermanCity AttorneyMarion
KevinOlsonCity AttorneyCoralville
 First Last Title Firm Name/Organization
IOWA League