IMAA Members
An Iowa Municipal Attorney Association membership runs January to December. IMAA’s annual membership drive is held in conjunction with their Annual Conference, typcially in November.
First Last Title Firm Name/Organization
Kevin Olson City Attorney Coralville
Kevin Stinn Attorney Swartz Law Firm, PLLC
Kathleen Vanderpool Deputy City Attorney Des Moines
Kara Bullerman City Attorney Marion
Kali Adams City Attorney Iowa Falls
Judy Parks-Kruse Attorney Des Moines
Joshua Kraushaar Attorney Elwood, Elwood & Buchanan
Jonathan Law City Attorney Mumma & Pedersen
John Hines Attorney Crary Huff Law Firm
John Morrissey City Attorney Morrissey Law Offices
John Danos Bond Counsel Dorsey & Whitney
John Fatino City Attorney Whitfield & Eddy PLC
John Haraldson Assistant Attorney Des Moines
John Anderson City Attorney St Lucas
Jim Robbins City Attorney Boone
Jessica Grove Asst City Attorney West Des Moines
Jenny Weiss City Attorney Fuerste, Carew, Juergens & Sudmeier, P.C.
Jennifer Schwickerath Assistant City Attorney Iowa City
Jeffrey McDaniel City Attorney Le Claire
Jeffrey Lester City Attorney Des Moines
Jeffrey Swartz City Attorney Swartz Law Firm, PLLC
Jason Hyland City Attorney Brekken, Wynia & Hyland, P.C.
Jason Lehman Assistant City Attorney Dubuque
Jason Palmer Attorney Lambson, Dugan, and Murray LLP
Jane Chang Assistant City Attorney Ames
Jane Rosien City Attorney Flander, Casper & Rosien PC
James Dougherty City Attorney Norwalk
James Varley City Attorney James L Varley, Attorney at Law
Holly Corkery City Attorney Lynch Dallas, P.C.
Heather Prendergast City Attorney Elk Run Heights
Gregg Owens City Administrator/Attorney Spirit Lake
Gregg Mandsager City Administrator West Burlington
Grant Lientz City Attorney City of North Liberty
Glenna Frank Assistant Attorney Des Moines
Gary Goudelock Assistant City Attorney Des Moines
Gary Jones City Attorney Dike
Gary Berkland City Attorney Belmond
Fred Larson City Attorney Larson Law Office
Ethan Laughery Attorney Hoyt Morain Law
Erin Regan Attorney Dorsey & Whitney
Erika Allen Attorney Rickert, Wessel & Allen
Eric Goers City Attorney Iowa City
Eric Martin Attorney Lynch Dallas, P.C.
Emily Hammond Attorney Dorsey & Whitney
Elizabeth Jacobi Assistant City Attorney Cedar Rapids
Elizabeth Craig Assistant City Attorney Iowa City
DuWayne Dalen City Attorney Finneseth Dalen & Powell PLC
Doug Herman Attorney Lynch Dallas, P.C.
David Schrock Attorney Smith Mills Law P.C
David Bruner City Attorney Bruner & Bruner
First Last Title Firm Name/Organization