A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Index of Iowa Laws – V
Vacancies, see also Removal from Office
Generally | ch 69
Activated elected city officials | 69.20
Causes of | 69.2
Filling for balance of term | Const. XI, 6; 69.12
Filling vacancies in elected city offices | 372.13(2)
Time to qualify | 63.8
Officers’ & employees’ leaves | 372.13(4)
Replatting | 354.22
Streets | 354.23; 364.12(2)(a)
Veterans Day leave | 91A.5A
Valuation Committee
Generally | 384.46
Vehicles, see City-Owned Vehicles or Motor Vehicles
Vending Machines
City regulatory powers over food & beverage machines | ch 137F
Graves, cemetery care free | 35B.17
Memorial halls, hospitals, etc. | ch 37
Position posting requirement | 35C.1
Preference | ch 35C; 400.10
Arbitration | 35C.5A
Notice to unsuccessful candidates | 35C.3
Rights in jail | 356.6A
Service time credit | 97B.80; 410.7; 411.9
Veterans receive Veterans Day off | 91A.5A
Veterans Trust Fund | 35A.13
Vetoes, see also Ordinances, Resolutions or Voting
Effect of vetoes | 380.6
Mayoral right | 380.5
Vision Iowa, see also Enhance Iowa
Generally | 15F
Tort liability | 670.2
Voting, see also Elections
Generally | ch 376; 380.4
Boards of adjustment | 414.14
Councils | 39.20; chs 372, 376, 380
County commissioner of elections | 47.2; 331.505
Defined | 39.3(3)
Government, changing form | 372.2, .9, .11
Mayors | 39.20; chs 372, 376, 380
Registration | ch 48A
Three considerations for ordinances | 380.3
Ties | 380.4
Zoning changes | 414.5